Irish news digest

Photo above – VE celebrations and St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen

Rector of Fahan Rev. Judith McGaffin appointed to Western Trust board

Professor Hugh McKenna and Rev. Judith McGaffin

The former Dean of Medical School Development Magee, Professor Hugh McKenna, and Rev. Judith McGaffin, the part-time rector of Fahan, have been appointed to the board of the Western Trust, Kevin Mullan reports in the Derry Journal.

Professor McKenna, a nursing professor at Ulster University, has 16 years’ experience in general and psychiatric practice and was formerly chief nurse for the Southern Health and Social Services Board.

Rev. McGaffin is a qualified dentist who worked for over three decades in various parts of the health service in the north.

She was ordained in the Church of Ireland in 2009 and is currently the part-time rector of the parishes of Fahan Upper and Lower in Inishowen.

Health Minister Robin Swann announced the appointment of two (Lay) Non-Executive Directors to the WHSCT last week.

They were appointed on March 13, 2020 for a maximum period of 4 years. The Non-Executive Director role attracts a remuneration of £8,283 per annum and carries a time commitment of one day per week.

Prof. McKenna chairs the Inspire Charity and is on Patient and Client Council’s Research Committee.

He is also a Trustee of the Alzheimer’s Society UK. He has Fellowships from five prestigious academic bodies and was appointed Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for his work on health and community.

He received the Outstanding Achievement Award by the RCN and a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Institute of Psychiatry in London. In 2019 he was named one of the 70 most influential nurses in the 70 year history of the NHS.

He has honorary doctoral degrees from Edinburgh Napier University and the University of Maribor, Slovenia. His research interests are patient quality and safety and the healthcare workforce.

Rev. McGaffin began her clinical dental career in General Dental Practice in Armagh and then moved to the community dental service in the Southern and Western Boards.

Judith was appointed as Director of Dental Health in the West in 1991 and retired as the Regional Lead for General dental services and governance in the Health and Social Care Board in 2016.

She is married to Brendan and has 2 children – David (38) who lives in Scotland and Jane (34) who lives in Australia. Her grandson Riley is almost a year old.

Leadership in lockdown

In these fast-moving and uncertain times, CPAS is keen to support clergy in their ministry. To this end, CPAS is offering clergy the opportunity to join a free online seminar (webinar) on the subject of Leadership in Lockdown, taking place from 2-3pm on May 13. There is also a free downloadable resource – Everybody Welcome Online.

Details are as follows:
Leadership in Lockdown – Free Webinar
When: 2-3pm (BST) on Wednesday May 13
What: A free webinar for church leaders. How can we navigate the transition from our immediate response to the crisis to our longer term engagement with the new reality? We will identify the two dangers of this stage of leadership in a crisis (getting stuck in crisis mode and succumbing to paralysis mode), consider some of the realities that we face and explore three things that we can all do to help us lead well.
Speaker: James Lawrence, Leadership Principal at CPAS
Cost: FREE (spaces are limited).
Book your place at [ www.cpas.org.uk/leadershipinlockdown ](CPAS will send you joining details the day before).

Everybody Welcome Online – Downloadable Resource
CPAS is delighted to recommend this free downloadable resource offering practical and spiritual insights into how to welcome people to church online at this time. Bob Jackson and George Fisher reflect on how we can welcome everyone online in response to many churches discovering more people are ‘attending’ their services than normal.
Download from [ www.cpas.org.uk/everybodywelcomeonline. ]

Ireland-Finland interfaith link on Covid–19 crisis

On Friday, the Archbishop of Dublin will chair an online panel discussion on the response of faith communities to the Covid–19 crisis, which people are invited to join. It is a joint venture between Dublin City Interfaith Forum and the Anglican Church in Finland. Details may be had at
[ https://dublin.anglican.org/news/2020/04/29/webinar-response-of-faith-communities ]

Keeping our focus

The President of the Methodist Church in Ireland writes –
Mum and Dad were absorbed with jobs and didn’t notice the time. It was a full moon and some of the light seeped through the windows. Then Mum glanced at the clock. “Jimmy, it’s time to go to bed. I’ll come and settle you later.” Unlike usual, Jimmy went straight upstairs to his room. An hour or so later his mother came to check if all was well, and to her astonishment found her son staring quietly out of his window at the moonlit scenery. “What are you doing, Jimmy?” “I’m looking at the moon, Mummy.” “Well, it’s time to go to bed now.” As Jimmy settled down, he said, “Mummy, you know one day I’m going to walk on the moon.” Who could have known that the boy in whom the dream was planted that night would see it brought to fruition 32 years later when James Irwin stepped on the moon’s surface. Hopes and dreams help sustain us. Seeing beyond where we are in this present crisis to better times ahead is a God-given blessing. I pray it for you. Keeping our focus on The Lord will always mean the best is yet to be. Be safe. Be positive. Be prayerful.

Dublin & Glendalough Review online

For those who wish to learn more about life in Dublin & Glendalough the diocesan magazine, Church Review, edited by the Revd Nigel Waugh, is available free for all online at the moment at
[ https://dublin.anglican.org/news/church-review/about-church-review ]

Sunday night live

Every Sunday evening at 6pm, you can join Pam Rhodes from her living room as she brings you Sunday Night Live on Facebook and YouTube.

Playing your favourite hymns, talking to people about their experiences during this pandemic, a reflection and prayers, this is a wonderful end to Sunday.
[[] https://www.premierchristianradio.com/Shows/Sunday/Sunday-Night-Live?utm_]

Points for Prayer

Pray for those who work for peace and freedom throughout the world, that their efforts will bring an end to injustice and oppression

Give thanks for the many people who are using this time to volunteer in their local communities, asking that their simple acts of kindness would continue to make a big difference in the lives of the most vulnerable

Pray for decision makers at all levels of government as they receive advice from specialists, interpret data and shape policy that they would be wise in their decision-making and clear in their communication to others.

Pray particularly for governments on our own island and across the world as they navigate the fine lines of easing lockdown measures at the right pace, asking for God’s wisdom in judging the balances required.

God in creation

Whooper swans Lough Neagh
