Irish news digest

Altar at St Brandon, Bantry

See Speaking to the Soul on this site today

A series of images have been projected onto the facade of Lichfield Cathedral, carrying messages of hope, support for the NHS and the Easter story as part of Holy Week.

Today we bring you a beautiful picture of their rainbow of Hope

The projections were created by Luxmuralis with artwork by Peter Walker Sculptor

Easter Sunday worship on BBC One

This EasterSunday, The Very Rev. Kathy Jones leads Sunday Worship from Bangor Cathedral with Easter hymns sung by a BBC Songs of Praise congregation which was recorded back in March 2018 and filmed before the closure of all Church in Wales buildings. This Sunday, 11.25 on @BBCOne

Holy Week and Easter Services at Christ Church

Though Christ Church Cathedral remains closed to the public, it has continued to serve as a virtual gathering place via webcam. Aside from its regular morning and evening prayer, these are the upcoming services for this most special season of the church year:

9 April – 18.00 Maundy Thursday Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar

10 April – 15.00 Good Friday Readings and Reflections

11 April – 21.00 Easter Vigil with Renewal of Baptismal Vows

12 April – 11.00 Easter Day Eucharist

Service sheets will be available for each service in advance on the Services page on the cathedral website –
Service sheets [[] https://christchurchcathedral.ie/worship/services/ ]
Webcam – [[] https://christchurchcathedral.ie/worship/video-stream-1/ ]

Derry online Country and Gospel concert

All Saints Clooney held an online Country and Gospel concert on Facebook on Friday night to raise money for the National Health Service. The concert – featuring the Rector, Rev’d David McBeth and friends – attracted more than 6000 viewers and has raised around £3,000 for the NHS so far. Ten gallon hats off to all concerned on a fantastic effort on behalf of our NHS heroes.

Bishop of Connor’s Senior Domestic Chaplain retires

The Rev Clifford Skillen has retired from his position as the Bishop of Connor’s Senior Domestic Chaplain. He had served in that capacity throughout the entire 12 years of Bishop Alan Abernethy’s episcopacy, having been appointed by Bishop Alan shortly after he became bishop in 2007.

Clifford said: “It was always my intention to step down when Bishop Alan retired – and prior to the diocese entering a new era under a new bishop – though I didn’t anticipate it would be quite so soon or in such unfortunate circumstances as Bishop Alan’s ill health.

“It has been a great personal privilege – and also hugely enjoyable – not only to have served Bishop Alan and the diocese in this position throughout all of his episcopacy, but also to have been able to play even a small part, especially in institution and ordination services which marked very special occasions in the life of parishes and the ministry of diocesan colleagues.

“I would like to thank Bishop Alan for placing his trust in me and to wish both him and Liz a long and happy retirement. I would also like to wish Bishop–designate George every blessing for the future.

“I am also very grateful to the members of the chaplaincy team – the Revs John Anderson, Paul Jack, John McClure and Tracey McRoberts – for their availability and willing assistance if and when the need arose.”

Bishop–designate George said: “The diocese owes a great debt of gratitude to Clifford for his faithful support of Bishop Alan at so many public occasions in the life of the diocese.

“As he retires from this role I, and I’m sure all of us, offer him our sincere thanks and wish him God’s blessing in the years ahead.”

Prayer points

Pray for those in isolation who are cut off from their normal routines and support systems, that they would seek their strength in Jesus.

Pray for encouragement for the thousands in quarantine waiting to find out if they have the virus

Today we pray for foodbanks. We pray that foodbanks will receive the necessary donations and volunteers to ensure that those who rely on extra support receive the essential food and resources that they need.

God in creation

Blessed be God, who has promised humanity the gift of divinity, mortals the hope of eternal life and sinners the glory of resurrection.
