Irish news digest

Without words in Cork, Cloyne and Ross

Photo above – Each day in Easter Week the diocese is publishing a photograph without words to illustrate Easter and Holy Week 2020.

Over 2,600 photos in new C of I online photo gallery

The Church of Ireland’s online gallery now contains over 2,600 photos of the Church’s current mission and ministry and its archives. Some albums picturing themes from across the island (and indeed beyond) are featured.

Each diocese has its own album, and an extensive collection from our records in the RCB Library is also available to browse.

The gallery is hosted on the Church’s Flickr page and may best be viewed on a laptop or desktop; the Flickr app (which is free to download) is needed for some tablets and smartphones.

Consecration of Bishop of Connor postponed

Connor Bishop-designate, the Ven George Davison, has announced that plans for his consecration as Bishop on May 1 have been postponed.

This is due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The Bishop-designate who is rector of the Parish of St Nicholas, Carrickfergus, was elected Bishop of Connor in succession to the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, on February 17. His appointment was confirmed by the House of Bishops on March 11.

In a statement on his Facebook page, Archdeacon Davison said: “It is clear that with the extension of the ‘lockdown’ period announced, even the very modest service planned is no longer possible. A new date will not be chosen until such times as the government guidelines allow it to go ahead safely.”

Dublin’s Church Review free online

As public worship in churches is currently suspended due to the Covid–19 pandemic, distribution of The Church Review has been disrupted. The editor, the Revd Nigel Waugh, has taken the decision to make the April edition free for all to read online.

Reading through the reports from parish and diocesan events in this month’s issue is almost like getting news from a different time – one where people could meet and gather together – so do take the opportunity to look through the magazine and see what has been going on in Dublin & Glendalough before the lockdown. You can read it or download it here.
[[] https://dublin.anglican.org/news/2020/04/15/read-the-april-edition-of ]

Looking ahead to the May edition, the editor is seeking stories from parishes and parishioners throughout Dublin & Glendalough. What steps have you taken to be church outside your church buildings? Are there parishioners who are taking on different roles as a result of the coronavirus? Are their parishioners who are working in essential services who would like to talk about it? Is your parish doing something to help the wider community? Are you a cocooning parishioner who would like to talk about what you miss about church and what you look forward to in the future?

If you have a story to tell please contact the diocesan communications officer at [ dco@dublin.anglican.org. ]

It is hoped to share some of these stories both in the diocesan magazine and on the diocesan website.

Sing Ireland appointment

Sing Ireland have announced Orla Flanagan as Artistic Director of their International Choral Conducting Summer School
[ https://singireland.ie/news/orla-flan ]

Simon Community NI seeks Outreach Support Worker

Salary: Points 15-20, £16,873 – £19,394 per annum.
Location: Greater Belfast.To find out more and to apply online, follow the link below:
[ https://bit.ly/3eocNYE ]

Daily Easter Devotions

Down & Dromore diocese is posting daily devotions during the Easter season. The daily posts share a Psalm and Song throughout the month of April. The Psalm is from the lectionary readings for the day and is read from the Book of Common Prayer (2004). Each day’s devotion is available on YouTube here, along with those for the previous days. [[] https://www.downanddromore.org/news/2020/04/join-us-for-daily-easter-devotions ]

Prayer points

Grant us, O God, a greater obedience to your will, a more fervent love for our neighbour and a stronger thirst for your word

Give thanks for Church Army’s growing numbers of Centres of Mission which continue to transform areas for the gospel.

Pray for NHS staff and volunteers. Experts have shared concerns that workers will struggle from PTSD as a result of this time. Pray for their peace and protection, both physically and mentally, as they serve on the frontline of the pandemic

God in creation

