Kennedy Institute and the Shalom Centre in renewed strategic partnership

The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for Conflict Intervention at Maynooth University and the Shalom Centre for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Kenya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in a renewed strategic partnership.

The signing took place in Maynooth between Peter Cassells, Executive Director of the Kennedy Institute and Rev Dr. Patrick Devine, Executive Chairman of Shalom.

The purpose of the MoU is to capture the sense of common purpose between both organisations. It provides a platform for mutual understanding, development of common interests and maintenance of relationships and networks to the benefit of both organisations. It will cover areas of mutual interest to ensure regular briefings, reciprocal exchange of learning and knowledge, development of ‘fit for purpose’ pedagogies, and education of academic staff and students in the wider conditions which make the peaceful resolution of conflict.

Having exchanged initial briefing documents on the content of their education and training programmes, both organisations will organise mutually beneficial study visits and exchanges for academic staff and students. The Kennedy Institute will facilitate publication of Shalom research through the medium of the online Journal of Mediation and Applied Conflict Analysis.

Both organisations will work together to establish a virtual joint learning laboratory where joint research projects are conducted and learning generated will inform academic, policy-makers and practitioners. The learning laboratory will allow reflection, inquiry and experimentation and result in joint publications and new pedagogies, thus, bridging the gap between practice and the academy.

Signing the MoU, Peter Cassells said that the Kennedy Institute is looking forward to greater involvement by Shalom in the work of the Institute in the years ahead.

Dr Kieran Doyle, Assistant Director, Kennedy Institute said that the Institute is delighted to further its relationship with the Shalom Centre. “Over the last five years, Shalom’s work is most closely associated with our Masters Programme in International Peace-building, Security and Development Practice. In this programme, students absorb the architecture of peace-building with modules on mediation, peace processes, conflict analysis, and the integrated approach of working with multiple actors, such as governments, security actors and NGOs. It is a priority that these students continue to learn from the experiences of Fr. Devine and his colleagues who reflect the accumulated wisdom of Irish missionary influences on peace and justice. When Fr. Devine speaks, you discern, not only theories of peace-building but also the raw challenge of working with remote communities struggling for hope in ethnic and resource-based conflict.”

Speaking about a forthcoming initiative, Dr Doyle said: “We look forward to our continued partnership with Shalom and look forward to Fr. Devine’s contribution to our programmes in Spring 2020 when he will join us in residence for a period.”

Speaking after the signing, Fr. Padraig Devine said: “This memorandum will further enhance the role of peace practitioners validating the need for quality theoretical foundations to peace and development initiatives, generating enhanced technical mastery of conflict transformation skills. Moreover, it will also entail fostering a greater appreciation for the history of conflicts and the resilience of conflict memory. This will be realised through applying the highest academic research standards, thereby, countering the alarming dangers of unfounded speculation and conjecture as to the root causes of conflicts. Shalom in collaboration with the Kennedy Institute is looking forward to mutually advancing knowledge of conflict management processes and peace-building techniques in conflict environments.”

SHALOM-SCCRR was founded in Kenya by Fr. Patrick Devine SMA in 2009. It has units in Ireland, UK/N. Ireland, and the USA. It is a non-political and non-profit organisation which is inter-religious and non-sectarian, and is committed to conflict transformation in peace-building within conflict environments of Eastern Africa.
The vision of SHALOM-SCCRR is: ‘A society where peace, social justice and reconciliation prevails throughout Africa’, which inspires the mission: ‘To work for a society free of physical violence and unjust social structures in Africa.’

The vision, mission and values of the Shalom Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation (SCCRR) are centered on transforming the social contexts of manifest and structural violence, with their inherent violations of human rights, to, firstly, situations of negative peace – stopping the killing, maiming and displacement – followed by transformation to positive peace where all sides become mutually committed to the human security, development and interdependent well-being of each other.
