Photo above – Yvonne Hutchinson (left) with Bishop Pat Storey when she was commissioned as a lay reader
Day of celebration in Tullamore –
Sunday, September 20, was a day of celebration for the Church of Ireland Tullamore Union of Parishes when local woman Yvonne Hutchinson was admitted to the ministry of deacon at a service in Kildare Cathedral. Congratulations and best wishes were sent her way in advance of the event. A special presentation was made to Yvonne at St Catherine’s Church, Hophill, Tullamore.
“Yvonne has given her heart and soul to this community and is always reluctant to take anything in return,” said Canon Isaac Delamere. So it was wonderful to present her with a Bible and a contribution towards the purchase of her stoles as well as flowers from the parishioners of Tullamore Union of Parishes.”
Archbishop Welby on Monday’s Covid warning –
“It was powerful to hear from Prof Chris Whitty that there’s no such thing as personal risk-taking with this virus. If we increase our own risk, we put others at risk too.
“In this crisis we are all neighbours. Let’s renew our commitment to loving and caring for each other. “
Four priests were ordained in Ballymena –
by the Rt Rev George Davison of Connor Diocese on Sunday September 20 at a service in St Patrick’s, Ballymena. The Rev Heather Cooke was ordained to serve a curacy in the Parish of Carrickfergus. Heather served her deacon internship in the Parish of St Stephen, St Michael and St Luke.
Three priests were ordained to serve in the Ordained Local Ministry (OLM). The Rev Adrian Bell will serve in the Parish of St Andrew (Glencairn) and the Parish of Whiterock; the Rev Louise Bowes in the Parish of Mossley and the Rev Anne Locke in the Parish of Whitehouse and St Ninian. As Connor’s first OLMs, Adrian, Anne and Louise shared their story with us when they were ordained as deacons last year.
Guests were welcomed to the service by the rector of Ballymena and Ballyclug, the Rev Canon Mark McConnell. The preacher was the Rev Peter Jones, Connor Warden of Readers and rector of Mossley Parish.
Presiding Bishop’s tribute to Justice Ginsburg –
The Most Rev Michael Curry in a statement issued following the death of long-serving Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said:
“The late John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said, “while on earth God’s work must truly be our own.”
“The sacred cause of liberty and justice, dignity and equality decreed by God and meant for all has been advanced because while on earth Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made God’s work her own. Because of her the ancient words of the prophet Micah to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God have found fulfillment. May we follow in her footprints. May she rest in the arms of the God who is love and the author of true justice.
“Rest In Peace, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Shalom.”
Registration is open now for Autumn Soul 20 –
The Methodist Youth department says – We are so excited and expectant to gather online this year! We will have inspirational teaching from Phil Emerson, deep worship from the Autumn Soul band & warm fellowship throughout the weekend. Register your group: [ ]
Archbishop Welby on International Day of Peace –
In a world wounded by conflict, following Jesus means hearing and responding to His call on us to be peacemakers, justice-seekers, reconcilers and bearers of His good news. Archbishop Welby on International Day of Peace
Well said
In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.
– Howard Thurman
Pointers to Prayer
Today we give thanks for contact tracers. In Ireland, where cases are rising, contact tracers are working doubly hard in the face of increased daily infection rates and increased workload. We give thanks for tracing systems and the hard work of contact tracers.
Give thanks for those who are working hard to create and sustain a safe environment for worship in our buildings and provision for digital ministry to those who cannot return to services. Pray that would continue to make our church premises Covid safe places in which we can encounter the life changing power and presence of God.
As long as we continue living, we must continue praying’. (M. Henry). Pray for those in authority, making the biggest calls of their lives. Pray for the health & strength of our NHS workers. Pray for those who are sick. Our prayers are powerful so let’s commit to praying them
Today we pray for those working to deliver increased levels of testing as cases rise. Labs have reached a ‘critical pinch-point’ in processing as more people seek tests. We pray for well-resourced and well-managed testing and resilience for those delivering tests.
Today we give thanks for scientific researchers. By the end of the year, there could be as many as six vaccines in clinical trials, including one from the University of Oxford which is at an advanced stage of testing already.
From 1 September to 4 October, Christians around the world are praying and caring for creation. It’s the “Season of Creation”
God in creation
Don’t start looking in the Bible for the answers it gives. Start by listening for the questions it asks…When you hear the question that is your question, then you have already begun to hear much – Frederick Buechner