Mothers’ Union bringing Thy Kingdom Come worldwide service online

Mothers’ Union are bringing their “Thy Kingdom Come” service online and invite all to join in a global moment of prayer, worship and thanks.

Mothers Union state –

“Our annual Thy Kingdom Come service due to take place at Coventry Cathedral this month will go ahead online, and we welcome everyone to join in a global moment of prayer, worship and thanks.

“This year we will be encouraging all those who attend to pray that friends and family, colleagues and neighbours might encounter the love of God in Christ, and as a response to COVID-19, that they would experience that love in action. This moment will also recognise how the faith of members from its 4million strong membership has helped them to support each other and others during the pandemic – and falls within the theme of Thy Kingdom Come 2020 ‘Prayer and Care’.

“Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer moment which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension (21 May) and Pentecost (31 May). What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international call to prayer.

 “Mothers’ Union Thy Kingdom Come Global Moment will take place on the 22 May via Facebook at 2pm (BST) and is open to everyone, of all faiths and none.

The short service will include a sermon from the Rt Revd Dr Emma Ineson, Bishop of Penrith, Mothers’ Union Central Chaplain and a segment from the Very Reverend Bob Key, Anglican Communion Lead for Thy Kingdom Come.

Mothers’ Union member Thembsie Mchunu, Mothers’ Union Worldwide Trustee for Central Africa, Nigeria, South Sudan and Southern Africa will sing a message of thanks with her family. Prayers and the lighting of a candle of hope will be led by Sheran Harper, Mothers’ Union Worldwide President.

Mothers’ Union Worldwide President Sheran Harper said: “Thy Kingdom Come has become a wonderful moment in the year when we can join together and rejoice in God’s love, praying that He will bring transformation and change the lives of those in our communities. This year is no different and perhaps it is a moment we need more than ever. Given all that is happening around us, it feels right at this time that we join together in prayer and give thanks not only for our frontline workers, but also for our friends and family. May our homes and places of worship, our streets and the places that we meet be filled with our friendships and our laughter as we trust God to bring us together once again.”

The Very Reverend Bob Key, Anglican Communion Lead for Thy Kingdom Come said: “In 2019, Christians in 172 countries took part in Thy Kingdom Come. That means believers from two-thirds of the countries of the world joined in praying that their friends, families, communities and countries would come to know the saving love of God in Jesus Christ. Whilst we cannot be together in person this year, it is a gift that prayer can transcend all boundaries in this moment. Wherever we are in the world, I know we can find great comfort in that and through God’s love. The Global Moment unites us in Christ and with each other to pray and care for our world at this difficult time. No matter what life brings to us, prayer can bring us the greatest of strengths in the darkest and the lightest of moments.”

To join Thy Kingdom Come via Facebook on the 22 May at 2pm (BST) simply go to:
[ https://www.facebook.com/MothersUnion ]
