News – August 19

The kosher controversy at Sainsbury’s speaks to a profound problem: acquiescence to anti-Semitism; Newry and Mourne Council backs SF mayor on Israeli boycott; Jobs cut at Healing Through Remembering voluntary group; The Guardian view on Ireland’s new abortion law: no choice at all; BBC News: Irish review into denied abortion – NI abortion paper ‘ready by autumn’; Why You Might Be Seeing More Mosques in Ireland; Heritage Week talk on the history of St Paul’s church Haynestown; Another fantastic Kilbroney Adventure Camp; Ferguson, Missouri: Church leaders aim to help rebuild community trust; Veteran Church fighter against apartheid, Bp David Russell, dies; Pope’s personal envoy calls for international action to liberate Iraq; Pope lifts ban on beatification of left-wing’ bishop Oscar Romero; Press ReviewClick here – CNI August 19
