Photos above – The Moderator on his recent tour of South Belfast visited the National Stadium at Windsor Park

 C of I changes venue of core meetings

The C of I has stated that – “Due to health concerns, members of Standing Committee and the RB are advised that the 10th March meetings will take place in Holy Trinity Church, Rathmines, which offers more room and ventilation than the boardroom in Church House.

“Microphones will be available for members who wish to speak and tea/coffee facilities will be available. Parking as usual at Church House.
“Any queries should be addressed to the Synod Department [ synod@rcbdub.org ] Tel: 01 497 8422”

Methodist World Development road show

The organisers of the Methodist World Development and Relief Roadshow were chuffed at the support of a recent WDR Roadshow at Carnalea Methodist Church on Wednesday last. Over 40 people gathered together to think more about poverty, injustice and our response as Christians. If you’d like to host a Roadshow, email Tim: [ worlddevelopment@irishmethodist.org ]

Cork Choristers success

Choristers of St Fin Barre’s Cathedral in Cork have good reason to smile. They were successful in the Royal School of Church Musics recent exams and receive their medal awards.

The Workman Family and their significance for Presbyterianism

‘The Workman Family and their Significance for Presbyterianism’ is the title of a talk to be given by Dr Alice Johnston of Belfast Metropolitan College on Thursday 19 March 2020 at 8.00 p.m. in Newtownbreda Presbyterian Church, 374-378 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 3HX.

The event is organised by the Presbyterian Historical Society

The Workmans were one of the leading Presbyterian families in Belfast. This talk will explore the cultural, social and religious life of 19th century Belfast as evidenced by this family. Two Workman members in particular, together with their wives and families, will be examined: the industrialist Thomas Workman (1843-1900) and the Presbyterian minister, Rev Robert Workman of Newtownbreda (1835-1921).

The PHSI Library and Archive will be closed on St Patrick’s Day
Tuesday 17th March 2020
[[] http://www.presbyterianhistoryireland.com/2020/03/the-workmans-19-march-2020/ ]

God in creation
