Killinchy outdoor service
The Reverend Stanley Gamble with parishioners and friends of the United Parish of Killinchy, Kilmood and Tullynakill enjoyed the good weather at the annual outdoor service (Photo above).
Make a date with Evie Hone
Parishioners of St Mura’s Church of Ireland Fahan have the privilege of having in the church a wonderful Evie Hone stained glass window that is dedicated to a local lady, the late Mrs Mary Dickson. They will be celebrating the installation and dedication of the magnificent window on Sunday 8 September at 7pm in the church. They invite you to please come and join them to celebrate the creativity of Evie Hone and the generosity of the Dickson family. Then – Stay for a cup of tea after the service and have an up close look at the window and some of the original documentation about it!
Sad heritage remembered
A memorial that was erected in St Barnabas C of I Church, recalling the parishioners who died during the Great War has inspired a local history group in Dublin. The Church stood at the junction of Sheriff Street and East Road , an impressive Gothic structure removed in 1969.
This was the parish church of Sean O’Casey , who worked closly with (and was a great friend of) the Rector, a Reverend Griffin. Sean would have undoubtedly known most, if not all, of these men who lost their lives , as well as many more from the local catholic congregation too. He would have known also the many who returned physically and mentally scarred by their experiences in the battle-fields of Europe.
It was his connection with these people and the suffering of their families , along with hearing the stories from the returning and wounded troops that contributed to his play “The Silver Tassie”.
Using words from the great O’Casey play , along with local historical narrative and his own songs , Paul O’Brien will tell the story of a Docklands community in a terrible period of War and a Peace where the suffering continued.
The event is on Saturday September 14th @ 8pm .Tickets areonly 5 euro .
Food for thought