Moderator’s praise for MAD2019

The Moderator of the Presbyterian commented on the event held last weekend in the Assembly’s Building – “Witnessing God moving and challenging over 1000 of our young people at MAD2019 has been humbling and inspirational. Our young people go back to their churches and communities as agents for change with the gospel burning in their hearts. You never know where that journey will lead”

Belfast Parish celebrates 150 years of witness

A joyous afternoon in Belfast as the Church of Ireland Parish of St Stephens & St Lukes celebrated the 150 Anniversary of St Stephens Church.


The Lord Lieutenant of Belfast, Mrs Jay O’Boyle said she was honoured to join the vibrant congregation. She and her husband are photographed here with the Rector, Canon Jim Carson and Mrs. Carson, the Archdeacon of Dalriada and the Rural Dean.

Marathon bishop visits Newman’s Church

Bishop Fintan Monahan visited Newman’s Church at St Stephen’s Green, after running the Dublin Marathon

Who is an evangelist?

Church Army is introducing some of their Evangelists from across the UK and Ireland. Jon is a Church Army Evangelist in South Wales and was commissioned in 1989! Jon supports parishes and their communities.

Celebration of Animals Service

St. Finbarr’s Church, Carrickmacross, recently had an unusual congregation when there were 25 dogs, a goat and about 80 adults and children gathered for the service. Rector, Revd. Colin McConaghie, who brought his Miniature Schnauzer, Alfie, said, “When people and animals come together in a church service you’re never quite sure what to expect but the outcome was a service full of fun, music and the odd bark as the community came together to give thanks to God for the gift of animals.

The service began with the opening prayer giving thanks for the gift of animals and the joy they bring to our lives. The congregation sang: ‘If I Were a Butterfly,’ and Revd.Colin read the parable of the lost sheep followed by a short talk on what it’s like to lose a pet.

Revd Colin reminded the congregation how much God loves us all, animals and humans, and that He never stops searching for us.
Following prayers of thanks the next song was, ‘Lovely Jubbly’ with the congregation joining in animal actions and noises as we were reminded that God made us all. The service ended with Revd Colin praying a prayer of blessing over the animals and their owners. Donations on the evening were for Collon Animal Sanctuary and €350 was raised for their work in caring for all sorts of animals that have been abandoned or lost.

