Churches questions for canvassers

Cartoon above by Steve in the Belfast Telegraph

Brexit isn’t the only issue in play the UK election states Churches in Ireland – “We can use the opportunity to ask for action on #housing and #homelessness. Our resource has questions to ask politicians canvassing door to door. Find this and our other resources at”

Divine Healing services at St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast

Fergus McMorrow, Director of Divine Healing Ministries writes – This Monday 18th November at 8pm we are delighted to welcome Basil Davidson MBE as our guest speaker. Basil joined the Northern Ireland Civil Service in 1984 and has held senior positions, including working for the Office of the First and Deputy First Minister, Department of Finance and Personnel, North/South Ministerial Council, Social Security Agency, Northern Ireland Prison Service and the Northern Ireland Office.

During the troubles, while working for Fraud & Prosecution’s Branch, Basil experienced a life-threatening attack resulting in extensive injuries. In 1999 Basil received the MBE from HM The Queen for his work in the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

Six years ago, Basil was diagnosed with a stage 4 Head & Neck Cancer. As this was inoperable, he received extensive Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Throughout the journey of the cancer treatment, Basil and his family had the prayerful support from many people, including Divine Healing Ministries. Basil’s testimony of forgiveness and healing will inspire and encourage and this will be a great opportunity to invite friends and family to this service.

Prayer for healing will be available at the service and we will respect peoples’ time to allow for prayer ministry.

The following Monday 25th November at 8pm, we are looking forward to welcoming back Br. David Jardine to St. Anne’s Cathedral as our speaker. It is always a blessing and a joy to have the founder of Divine Healing Ministries to speak and to pray with us. Again, this is a particular opportunity to invite friends and family as the Lord Jesus meets us at our point of need.

Your prayer for these services and for this ministry is valued, particularly that we would lean more and more into the Lord for such a time as this.

Music in St Columb’s, Derry

On the second Sunday before Advent, Choral Eucharist at 11.00am will include music by Franz Schubert (Mass in G) and Cesar Franck (Panis Angelicus).

Then at 4.00pm, the cathedral choir will sing at a service of Choral Evensong. Music is by George Dyson (Evening canticles in F) and Felix Mendelssohn (He that shall endure to the end). All are welcome.

Revd Graham Jones – Service of Thanksgiving

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of service and commitment to God and community by the Revd Graham Jones will take place in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, on Sunday December 8 2019 at 3.30pm.

The service will take place in the context of Evensong and the preacher will be Archbishop Michael Jackson. Everyone is welcomed by Graham’s family to attend this service.

Fathers’ Union formed

CMS Ireland has shared the news that a new Fathers’ Union has been established in Matana diocese in Burundi. Bishop Seth asks us to pray that it will be Bible-based, loving and that it will strengthen the family work of the Mothers’ Union. Remember the many young people who drop out of school.

Archbishop urges 230 Maynooth graduates to spread Good News

Graduates of Theology, Philosophy and Education were urged to spread the Good News and find a “shared vision of lasting peace” in a society struggling with issues and questions regarding human trafficking, direct provision, migration, gangland violence and more.

The 230 people that graduated on Saturday from St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, were conferred the academic rewards by Primate of All-Ireland and Archbishop of Armagh Eamon Martin, who is the chancellor of the pontifical university.

The archbishop referenced Pope Francis’ address at a gathering of theologians in Naples, in which he suggested that meeting society’s challenges, a good pontifical university “will be characterised by evangelisation and dialogue”.

“He [Pope Francis] stressed that the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus and of God’s love needs time and the space for interaction and dialogue, so as to fully understand the problems of today and to discover ways of resolving them,” said Archbishop Martin.

In a feature article in the Irish Times on Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, three senior staff members reflect on the history of the college as it celebrates its 225 anniversary and look to the future [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/religion-and-beliefs/archbishop-of-dublin-s-criticisms-of-maynooth-hard-to-hear-1.4078570]

Kilmore Diocesan Confirmation Day

Kilmore’s first Diocesan Confirmation Day was held on Saturday 9th November 2019 in Killeshandra Church Hall, Co. Cavan. A group of nearly 40 young people (along with clergy and leaders) who are preparing for confirmation at this time joined together to get to know one another and be encouraged in this big step in their journey of faith.

Simon Henry, National Youth Officer of the Church of Ireland Youth Department, was the speaker for three sessions. He spoke to the confirmands about the importance of Confirmation as a public and personal taking on of the promises of their baptism – sharing his own testimony of God in his life growing up in the Church of Ireland. He also shared about prayer and the Bible in an inspiring but also practical way, and concluded by encouraging the teenagers to play their part in the Church, not just before, but after their confirmations. We concluded with a time of worship as we considered our need for the help of the Holy Spirit to believe in and follow Christ each day. The sessions were interspersed with games and breaks, which all helped everyone to relax and get to know each other.

A similar day aimed at those in the Elphin and Ardagh part of the diocese, with Simon again as the speaker, will take place on Saturday 7th March 2020 in the Cooper Memorial Hall, Riverstown.
