Above – Ian Knox’s comment in The Irish News
No NI border checks, UK Prime Minister
”Under no circumstances will the UK be putting in any kind of checks at the border in Northern Ireland,” says Boris Johnson
[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/08/20/european-union-not-uk-wants-put-irish-border-posts-brexit/. ]
Troubles trauma – the hidden legacy of violence
Thousands of people in Northern Ireland live with mental health after effects of decades of conflict.
Despite Losing His Appeal, Cardinal Pell ‘Maintains His Innocence’
Australian court’s Aug. 21 decision shocks his many supporters.
Rise in A-C GCSE grades in Northern Ireland
There has been a rise in the number of GCSE entries awarded A-C grades in Northern Ireland.
GCSE religious studies increasing in popularity
Experts and school leaders suggest young people are increasingly interested in understanding different faiths.
Garda divisions to reduce from 28 to 19 under major shake-up of the force
The number of garda regions and divisions are set to be reduced while local units will be given more power as part of a major reform
€356m paid by religious orders for Govt abuse redress scheme
‘God is a tourist attraction’ Anglican bishop says on cathedral carnival ride
Rt. Revd. Johnathan Meyrick, the Anglican bishop of Lynn, delivered a sermon midway down the helter-skelter slide during the final liturgy held in the cathedral with the ride present. “God is a tourist attraction,” Meyrick said, claiming that God would be “revelling” in the joy it brought to visitors. During the time the helter-skelter was installed, over 20,000 people came to visit the nearly thousand-year-old cathedral.
Report of the independent report into safeguarding in the Diocese of Chichester
University chaplains say that students are going to chapels fuelled by an “academic” curiosity about faith