Harris says six decades of policing co-operation will ‘fall away’ post-Brexit

Irish Times

Lord Eames: Brexit ‘danger signs’ for union’s future

BBC NI – The retired Church of Ireland Archbishop Lord Eames played a role in events that led to the loyalist ceasefire announcement in October 1994.. Twenty-five years on, speaking to author Brian Rowan, he says he believes that the looming prospect of Brexit is changing dynamics across the islands and old certainties are being eroded. And Lord Eames says that he can detect “danger signs” for the future of the union.

[[] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-northern-ireland-49484450/lord-eames-brexit-danger-signs-for-union-s-future ]

‘Gerry Adams gave order to take explosives into Britain’: ex-IRA man

Irish Independent – McGuinness also named by former IRA man who shot Det Gda Quaid

[[] https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/gerry-adams-gave-order-to-take-explosives-into-britain-exira-man-30054022.html ]

Archbishop in plea to investors to help tackle climate emergency

Belfast Telegraph – The Most Rev Justin Welby described climate change as ‘the most pressing investment challenge of our time’.
[[] https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/uk/archbishop-in-plea-to-investors-to-help-tackle-climate-emergency-38443870.html ]

80% of Educate Together schools opened in last decade still in temporary accommodation

Irish Examiner – Eight out of 10 Educate Together schools opened over the last decade are still residing in temporary accommodation such as rugby clubs or community centres – awaiting the delivery of a permanent school. In the last 10 years, just 11 of the 57 primary schools opened by Educate Together are now in permanent accommodation. Just four of the 17 second-level schools opened by the patron since 2014 have found permanent accommodation
[[] https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/80-of-educate-together-schools-opened-in-last-decade-still-in-temporary-accommodation-946592.html ]
