The vulnerable must not feel ‘abandoned’ because of coronavirus, say Church leaders
Christian Today
Church of Ireland leaders are calling on parishes across the island to ensure that the lonely and vulnerable in their communities are not left feeling …
[[] https://www.christiantoday.com/news/the-vulnerable-must-not-feel-abandoned-because-of-coronavirus-say-church-leaders/134458.htm ]

Sparser church pews in Northern Ireland as some stay away due to coronavirus
Belfast Telegraph
Sunday church attendances fell in some parts of Northern Ireland yesterday as elderly and vulnerable parishioners opted to remain at home in a bid to …
[[] https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus/sparser-church-pews-in-northern-ireland-as-some-stay-away-due-to-coronavirus-39046321.html ]

Free issue of the Magnificat Prayer Book
The Irish Catholic
Churches have been closed to dissuade congregations from gathering and spreading Covid-19, a novel coronavirus now known to affect the elderly …
[[] https://www.irishcatholic.com/free-issue-of-the-magnificat-for-march/ ]

Jim Allister: If RHI had happened anywhere else, heads would have rolled over it
Belfast Newsletter
While the Coghlin report deploys neutral language, it is clear that the panel was appalled by much of what they encountered, leading to a key conclusion that Stormont was not fit to manage the RHI scheme.
[[] https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/opinion/columnists/jim-allister-if-rhi-had-happened-anywhere-else-heads-would-have-rolled-over-it-2451064?utm_]

Rt Revd David Bentley
[[] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2020/03/15/right-reverend-david-bentley-bishop-gloucester-brought-stability/ ]
