Photo – Robin Swann MLA, Minister for Health, Northern Ireland

All public church services suspended for forseeable future
Irish Times
Cancellation of some other church gatherings now extends to end of June
[[] https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/religion-and-beliefs/all-public-church-services-suspended-for-forseeable-future-1.4207769?]

NI Covid-19 reasonable worst case: 15,000 dead and hospitals overwhelmed in surge ‘of Biblical proportions’
News Letter
A reasonable worst case scenario for the Covid-19 pandemic is that about 15,200 people in Northern Ireland could die, Stormont’s Health Minister has warned.
[[] https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/politics/ni-covid-19-reasonable-worst-case-15000-dead-and-hospitals-overwhelmed-surge-biblical-proportions-2502680?utm_]

Coronavirus: Roselawn to have limit of 30 mourners in chapel for cremations
Belfast Telegraph
[] https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-roselawn-to-have-limit-of-30-mourners-in-chapel-for-cremations-39059632.html

Church limits weddings to five people
Daily Telegraph
[[] http://digitaleditions.telegraph.co.uk/data/169/reader/reader.html?social#!preferred/0/package/169/pub/169/page/20/article/25984 ]

Pope joins nationwide rosary as Italy takes lead for coronavirus deaths
Turning to the Church, he prayed that pastors would be a source of light and comfort for the suffering. He also prayed that the elderly would be not be …
[[] https://cruxnow.com/church-in-europe/2020/03/pope-joins-nationwide-rosary-as-italy-takes-lead-for-coronavirus-deaths/ ]
