News media review May 15

Photo above – Archbishop of Canterbury secretly volunteering as hospital chaplain. Report of Justin Welby’s work at St Thomas’ hospital comes after criticism of C of E response to coronavirus. See Guardian below.

There was some positive news out of Stormont on Thursday evening as First Minister Arlene Foster announced the reopening of garden centres and household recycling centres in Northern Ireland from Monday.

Marriage ceremonies involving someone who is suffering from a terminal illness will also be allowed from next week after ministers in the Stormont executive discussed the plan on Thursday. Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill said the changes had been informed by medical and scientific advice.

Meanwhile, the fall-out from the postponement of the 2020 post primary transfer tests in the Province continued on Thursday as the mother of a 10-year-old child launched a legal challenge.

The absence of many friends and relatives from funeral services here was dealt with by Northern Ireland’s Attorney General. John Larkin said there are no upper limits to how many close family members can attend the funeral of a relative. Mr Larkin told the Committee for Justice that no specific numbers are mentioned in the social distancing regulations.

Sammy Wilson criticises Stormont’s recovery plan for Covid-19, saying it has proved almost impossible to relax lockdown
Belfast News Letter
People across the UK and in Northern Ireland will be disappointed at the message sent by Westminster and Stormont on lockdown, Sammy Wilson says
[[] https://www.newsletter.co.uk/news/politics/sammy-wilson-criticises-stormonts-recovery-plan-covid-19-saying-it-has-proved-almost-impossible-relax-lockdown-2852643?utm_]

Pope leads prayers for end of pandemic
The Tablet
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Church of Ireland Archbishop Michael Jackson will be among Dublin Faith leaders who gather on line today at noon …
[[] https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/12917/pope-leads-prayers-for-end-of-pandemic ]

Archbishop of Canterbury secretly volunteering as hospital chaplain
The Guardian
The news about Welby’s volunteering also emerged a few days after an editorial in the Times lambasted the archbishop and the Church of England for …
[[] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/13/archbishop-of-canterbury-justin-welby-secretly-volunteering-as-hospital-chaplain ]
