Nigeria to Clogher via Italy

The Reverend Sampson Ajuka, the new cleric in Boho parish, Clogher was born in Nigeria and resident in Italy for a number of years.

He will be introduced by the Bishop, the Rt Revd John McDowell, as diocesan curate with responsibility for the Devenish and Boho Group of Parishes at a service of introduction on Thursday 2nd February 2012 in Devenish Parish Church, Monea commencing at 7.30pm.

Mr Ajuka studied at the Queens Foundation for Theological Studies in Birmingham, was ordained in the Church of England, and served the Church in Venice, Padova and Trieste in the Diocese in Europe. Commenting on his move to the Church of Ireland, he said “moving into a new place with different culture is not an easy thing, it is like a school boy starting his primary education.”

Commenting on the appointment, Bishop McDowell said “it is with great enthusiasm that we welcome Sampson and his family into the Diocese. I think I am correct in saying that Sampson will be the first African clergy person to have charge of a parish in the Diocese of Clogher, and his presence will also serve to remind us that the Anglican Communion, to which we belong, is a worldwide fellowship. For many years all of the movement of clergy was from the UK and Ireland to Africa, but now the Churches of Africa are in a position to share their spiritual riches with us. We rejoice in that day.”

Mr Ajuka, his wife Ugonna and their two children Chiemela and Rejoice moved from Italy at the end of December 2011, to Northern Ireland where everything is entirely different from what it was back in Italy, especially moving from an urban area to a rural place. “This is a new experience for us but the good thing to be happy about is that we are settling in gradually with the help of good people the Lord is sending” he said.

, moving from the Church of England to the Church of Ireland is also a great challenge. Mr Ajuka noted that “both have different ways of doing things, so I need to work hard to fit into the system gradually. I am very happy with the plan the Diocese has put in place to help me get to know the dos and don’ts! At the moment, I am working with the Dean of the Cathedral, the Very Revd Kenneth Hall, and the Diocesan Curate, the Revd Alistair Warke, alongside others in the Cathedral. They are doing their best to help me with things I need to know, as is the Revd Anita Kerr who has been looking after Devenish and Boho during the vacancy, and the Rural Dean of Enniskillen, the Revd Chancellor Stanley Bourke.”

Having made his declarations to the Bishop in the presence of the Diocesan Registrar, the Revd Canon John Stewart, Mr Ajuka looks forward with passion and enthusiasm to 2nd February to be introduced at the Church in Devenish. Commenting on his new role in ministry, Mr Ajuka says “as the deer pants for streams of water, my soul pants for God who will supply in abundance the grace, vision and power to carry out the ministry in the grouped parishes of Devenish and Boho after the introduction service. I am sure it will be a great day! We are thanking God for those who will attend the service and asking God for journeying mercies.”