NT Wright Explores “Hope?” with Irish Church Leaders

Irish church leaders from across Christian traditions will gather tonight to explore the theme of hope, in a day long inter–church meeting and an evening act of public worship in Belfast.

The keynote speaker will be the renowned New Testament scholar, Professor N.T. (Tom) Wright, who is described by TIME magazine as one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought

As reported earlier on CNI, the Irish Inter–Church Meeting, which first began in Ballymascanlon in 1973, will take place this year in Edgehill Theological College and will be followed by an evening service of celebration & worship in Fisherwick Presbyterian Church, Belfast.

The theme of hope takes place against the backdrop of increased disillusionment towards institutions such as the church, the challenges presented by the forthcoming decade of centenaries, global economic uncertainty and concerns for the future of our communities and young people.

Professor Wright is a sought–after commentator and broadcaster, having written over fifty books (notably addressing this theme in his 2008 award–winning book, Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church).

The meeting will be co–chaired by Cardinal Sean Brady, chair of the Irish Episcopal Conference and Bishop Richard Clarke, President of the Irish Council of Churches. They will join with  many other church leaders and representatives from the spectrum of Roman Catholic, Reformed and Orthodox traditions. Theological students from the major colleges will also be in attendance.

This evenin’sg worship in Fisherwick Presbyterian Church will act as an outward expression of earlier reflections of the Irish Inter–Church Meeting and for the first time will be open to the public.