On the web

The Guardian has reported that Church of England bishops have been accused of “utter hypocrisy” for publicly supporting the Black Lives Matter movement while failing to address racism in their dioceses.

## Statement of the Irish Catholic Bishops on return to worship
Publication of the Framework Document for a return to the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments.
[ https://www.catholicbishops.ie/2020/06/09/statement-of-the-irish-catholic-bishops-conference-on-the-publication-of-the-framework-document-for-a-return-to-the-public-celebration-of-mass-and-the-sacraments/ ]

## Dublin archbishops on worship measures
Archbishop Michael Jackson and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin were on RTÉ News this evening talking about measures being taken before public gathered worship resumes. You can watch it on the RTE Player (starts at about 20 minutes)
[ https://www.rte.ie/player/series/rt%C3%A9-news-six-one/SI0000001474?epguid=IH000385008 ]

##Archbishop Eamon Martin: Covid-19 devastated parish finances
[[] https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/ireland/archbishop-eamon-martin-covid-19-devastated-parish-finances-1004360.html ]

## Churches in Wales and Covid-19
Churches and other faith communities are engaged together with Welsh Government in exploring how the COVID-19 restrictions can be lifted regarding places of worship. In such conversations, Wales uses the structures of its longstanding Faith Communities Forum. No new announcement is expected until June 19 at the earliest. The current position is explained here:
[ http://cytun.co.uk/hafan/en/covid-19-briefing-paper/ ]

## Choral services from St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin
Throughout June they will be posting a prerecorded service of Choral Evensong at 5.30pm (Monday-Friday) and Choral Matins and Evensong on Sundays at 11.15am and 3.15pm respectively. All the services (including orders of service) will be available at –
[ https://www.stpatrickscathedral.ie/daily-worship-webcasts/ ]
[ https://youtu.be/6ZjPErgwVr8 ]

##‘I was called n-word over and over… then ostracised when I told school – it is the most racist place I’ve lived’ –
[[] https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/i-was-called-n-word-over-and-over-then-ostracised-when-i-told-school-it-is-the-most-racist-place-ive-lived-39270940.html ]

##Further coverage of the church response to the Black Lives Matter campaign including coverage of a social media post by the Archbishop of Canterbury in which he says that the Church must repent and take action over racism.
[[] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/06/10/archbishop-canterbury-says-church-must-set-house-order-racism/ ]
[[] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/10/c-of-e-accused-of-utter-hypocrisy-over-backing-for-black-lives-matter ]

##Round up piece on the impact of online worship during coronavirus, featuring the Revd Pat Allerton from London, the Dean of Chelmsford and quotes former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Williams of Oystermouth.
[[] https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/coronavirus-portable-priest-carries-the-light-to-needy-souls-2rn02szgp ]

##Reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury is backing calls to make the 72nd birthday of the NHS on July 5 a day to pay tribute to those who have helped through the coronavirus crisis. A nationwide clap will be held on that day, giving people another opportunity to thank NHS staff.
[[] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jun/10/call-for-final-national-clap-on-nhss-72nd-birthday ]
