Links to seven of the best media reports – Photo: Fair Head
Red alert on COVID-19 as 46,000 fly into Ireland from high-risk countries
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Coronavirus: Irish government to introduce random testing at airports
BBC News
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Ill-defined unionists must start talking to each other
Irish Times
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Republicans ban media from party convention ‘due to coronavirus’
Irish Times
Sinn Fein minister used publicly-funded government business car to ferry him to Provo funeral
Belfast News Letter
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Saint Oliver Plunkett – lessons from the life of an Irish saint and scholar
Derry Journal
It implied that only those able to take Communion in the Church of Ireland were fit for public employment). Oliver Plunket had to go on the run (there …
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The 20 weirdest places around Ireland where couples have had weddings
Irish Mirror
of a registry office or church in this country since 2007 and to hold outdoor ceremonies in approved venues since 2014. Exclusive data released to the …
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