Prestige Belfast parish fails to attract rector – twice?

Informed comment in the city suggests that two clergy have now withdrawn from successive invitations by the Board of Nomination to become rector of the prestigious Parish of Malone in the affluent south Belfast area.

St John’s Malone has long been regarded as one of the most desirable posts in the city, the Diocese of Connor, and indeed in the Church of Ireland. The vacancy occurred in late August when the then rector, Rev John Mann, was appointed Dean of Belfast. As rector of St John’s, he had succeeded the present Archbishop of Armagh, Most Rev Alan Harper, when he was appointed Bishop of Connor. The Archbishop had succeeded Rev Edward Darling upon his appointment as Bishop of Limerick.

The Malone Road which is the central axis of the parish has long been regarded as the spine of one of the most desirable residential areas in the city. The bus route to the city centre passes three of the foremost province’s grammar schools – Victoria College, Methodist College and RBAI. This factor however has influenced the demographics over a period of time as well qualified young people leave with good A levels to study in mainland universities, despite the Malone Rd passing The Queen’s University. Few return having obtained spouses and positions in Britain.

In addition, a significant number of families, including several from St John’s Parish, sensibly used the height of the property boom to cash in on their residential assets, downsize, and relocate. The average age of the Protestant population has greatly increased in the area and this is reflected in membership of youth groups and in the composition of parish and congregational choirs.

Whether or not these were factors in the withdrawals is obviously unknown.