Sectarian mindsets ‘still blight our society’

Sectarianism is still a major blight in Northern Ireland, the outgoing head of the Community Relations Council (CRC) has warned.

In his final statement as CRC chief, Duncan Morrow — a staunch critic of the Stormont Executive’s original ‘shared future’ blueprint which is now being revised — insisted CRC’s role in challenging Government was “crucial”.

After almost a decade as chief executive, he said: “Sectarianism remains a major blight on this society and it will take a concerted and determined effort involving Government and the community to eliminate it.

“I believe the organisation has a key role to play as the Executive takes forward the work of developing a shared and better future for everyone in Northern Ireland.

“I believe the role of CRC in challenging Government and helping to formulate policy to be crucial as we emerge from the shadow of the conflict.”

Belfast Telegraph