Services and Events in the C of I this week

Sat 21 – Sun 22 Armagh – Annual conference on Celtic Spirituality continues

Sat 21
Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, in support the Pipeworks Festival of Music , incorporating the Dublin International Organ Competition, which will be held next month, there will be a Psalmathon in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, from 10 am until 5pm. The entire psalter will be performed in one day by visiting choirs and groups of friends in a variety of modes including plainchant, Anglican chant and responsorial psalmody. The day will end with the massed voices singing Parry’s anthem, ‘I was glad’.

St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin, will be visited by bell ringers from all over Ireland

St Stephen’s Church, Lower Mount Street, Dublin, at 8pm, keyboard and vocal staff of the DIT Conservatory will present ‘A Little Night Music’.

Concert – Discovery Gospel Choir, Kill O’ the Grange Church, Kill Lane, Blackrock at 8pm.

Concert in Kilternan Parish Church at 8pm.- the Kilternan School of Music wind band, choir and guitar trio, Kilternan Parish Junior and Senior Choirs.

Sun 22 The Fifth Sunday of Easter
St Thomas, Booterstown, Dublin, Blessing of animals and family fun day 10.30

Clogher cathedral – Installation of Chapter members, 7.00 pm.

St Fiaac’s Church, Clonegal, Co Carlow, Songs of Praise service at 8.00pm at which the address will be given by the Dean of Christ Church, Dublin, the Very Revd Dermot Dunne.

Tues 24 Dr Dickie Barr from Love for Life will lead a seminar on pastoral Care around Sensitive Issues, in Antrim Parish Halls (Connor), from 10am until 3.30pm.

St Patrick’s, Dublin 13:00 Lunchtime recital by Elizabethtown College Choir, USA. Normal visitor rates apply.

Fri 27 St Patrick’s, Dublin 11:30 Grammar School end of year service in the Lady Chapel.
12:30 Lunchtime recital by American choir. Normal visitor rates apply.

Fri 27 and Sat 28 Maize n’ Grace event in The Odyssey Arena, Belfast

Fri 27 – Sun 30 “Radiating Christ” – Flower festival, St.Columba’s Church, Omagh drumraghflowerfestival@gmail.com www.drumragh.derry.anglican.org

Sat 28 C of I College of Education Bi-centenary celebration.

St Patrick’s, Dublin 13:00 Lunchtime recital by Millikin University Choir, USA. Normal visitor rates apply.

Day of reflection in Bolton Abbey, 10 − 3.30: Rev Garth Bunting , “Finding God in the midst of life”.

The New York Staff Band, Salvation Army, Belfast Concert, Carnmoney Presbyterian Church, 7.30pm

Notice of services and events welcome – churchnewsireland@gmail.com