Three candidates have been short-listed for election to the office of Bishop of Edinburgh which became vacant in August 2011 following the retirement of the Rt Rev Brian Smith, who had served the Diocese of Edinburgh since 2001.
The three candidates have been selected by a Preparatory Committee (chaired by the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church) consisting of clergy and lay church members who represent the Diocese of Edinburgh and the wider Church. The next stage in the election process is a meeting of each of the candidates with members of an Electoral Synod (representatives of clergy and lay church members from the Diocese of Edinburgh only). That meeting will take place on 4 February 2012, with the election of the new Bishop taking place on 11 February 2012.
The candidates are:
The Very Rev Dr John Armes (born 1955), Dean of the Diocese of Edinburgh and Canon of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh; Rector of St John the Evangelist church, Edinburgh
The Rev Michael Parker (born 1954), Senior Minister for English-speaking congregations, All Saints Cathedral, Cairo
The Rev Canon Dr Alvyn Pettersen (born 1951), Canon Theologian of Worcester Cathedral
Commenting on the short-list of candidates the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, The Most Rev David Chillingworth, says “I thank members of the Preparatory Committee for the work they have done and am delighted that three candidates of high quality are being nominated to the Electoral Synod . We hope that our discernment in the Electoral Synod will enable us to elect a new bishop who will lead the Diocese of Edinburgh in its future ministry and mission.”