Slash the cost of your palaces by a quarter, senior C of E bishops told

Senior bishops have been ordered to cut the lavish costs of running their palaces and mansions by more than a quarter.

The Daily Mai reports: The spending cap, confirmed yesterday by Church of England officials, will be lowered by a further third from 2014.

The disclosure comes in a week that has seen five bishops lead a rebellion in the House of Lords against Coalition plans to cap the cost of benefits payments.

They are among the 44 diocesan bishops who are covered by the spending restrictions on accommodation, as are the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.

The five bishops opposed a £26,000 cap on benefits, claiming it would disproportionately affect families with children and make them homeless.

Anglican economist Ruth Lea said yesterday: ‘Now the Church recognises that it has to live within its own budget, perhaps the bishops could recognise that the Government needs to do the same.Which bit of hypocrisy is it that they have trouble spelling?

‘If they are really worried about children, perhaps they should think of the children who will have to pay off the Government’s debts in 20 or 30 years’ time.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2091951/Slash-cost-palaces-quarter-senior-bishops-told.html#ixzz1kZGUfljt