Sow – A New Conference On Church Planning

Drawing together church planting and regrowing experience
The local church is the key to God’s global plans.  Groups of God’s people,
gathered around God’s Word, proclaiming God’s Gospel to the ends of God’s
earth.  Yet, the reality is, at times, removed from God’s intention.

Greying, shrinking and introverted are closer descriptions as God’s global
plans have become detached from regular church life.  Vast swathes of
continental Europe and Ireland exist where there are few or none of these

A new conference on church planting is being hosted jointly by Crosslinks
and Irish Church Missions on 18 & 19 May, 2011, in Dollingstown, Co Armagh.
 ‘Sow’ will draw together church planting and regrowing experience from a
wide variety of contexts.

The main speaker is the Rev’d Richard Coekin, 
leader of the Co-Mission, a church planting initiative which has planted
nearly a dozen churches across London.  Amongst others also taking part in
interactive workshops will be Canon David McClay of Willowfield, Rev Craig
 Cooney of Lurgan and mission partners involved in church planting in both 
Ireland and Europe.  Further details are available at:

http://www.crosslinks.org/sow or icm-online.ie