Hosea 6:6 For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
For the ancient Israelites, expressing love for God is the top priority of their personal and public lives. The laws, including those about offerings and sacrifices, form the basis for expressing love for God. But the Israelites begin to worship other gods while continuing the ritual sacrifices, and outward shows of piety become more important than faithful obedience to God’s desires.
God longs for us to return God’s longing, for mutual desire and devotion. Many Old Testament passages underscore God’s insistence that sacrifices are incomplete and offensive unless our hearts are changed in the making of them (1 Samuel 15:22; Micah 6:6-8). Pointing back to Hosea, Jesus challenges the hypocritical teachings of the Pharisees by telling them to learn that God desires mercy and not sacrifice.
Religion devoid of steadfast love is hollow, and rituals performed in God’s name without a loving, faithful relationship make us like those whom Jesus warned that we ought never to become.
MOVING FORWARD: Spend the next few days thinking about your Sunday offering. If it’s stewardship season at your church, this is a perfect time to consider your annual pledge.