Luke 16:10 Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest in a very little is dishonest also in much.
I work every day in a religious tradition that tries to plot a middle way faithfully through a complex life. I know firsthand how difficult the course can be. Yet for many, drawing a hard line is an easy path to take.
Sometimes, the Christian advice to the world reads like an instruction manual for a very dangerous piece of equipment. You must do this; you must not do this (under any circumstances). In truth, I have not always been faithful in the small things. There have been times when I have tried to serve two masters. I have had some moments when I have loved money.
Yet if I learn anything from the lives of the saints, it is that when I try to justify myself, I fail miserably. But when I trust in God and the mercy that is offered, those lines of judgment begin to fade into a love that conquers all.
MOVING FORWARD: With what do you struggle most to be faithful? How can you focus your prayers and intentions around a different, faithful way?