He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Matthew 9:37-38 NLT
Our home is found in God alone. God is first thought and final end. There is nothing, no reality outside of him. Hence, what we so often mistake for reality is a distraction. Those things that draw our attention away from God and which, while appearing to offer security and satisfaction, in reality prove empty and worthless.
God opened my eyes and I heard God’s clear calling. I was to make God, Christian obedience and service my priority and leave the practicalities of life in his hands. Easier said than done; something I wrestle with to this day.
Only as my eyes were opened did I see the reality of the needs of the world. While I’d been engaged in evangelism since my own initial commitment, this was because of a sense that I was required to do something rather than out of any sense of calling. Now I understood that I enjoyed the ability to pray, encourage and welcome anyone and everyone to consider God for themselves.
Too often life’s twists and turns had raised doubts, or at least reservations, about God’s capacity to love. I only saw through the eyes of one who thought the avoidance of pain was God’s gift to humanity. I failed to appreciate that it was through Jesus’ sacrifice that salvation was secured, a salvation that included pain. Yet, God was within the pain and in following Jesus I might expect and experience pain. Here indeed was good news for all.
The experiences of life may not be predicted and will prove demanding, yet God is present in every single one of them. Unless my own eyes have been opened, I have nothing to share but a statement of Truth. Once opened, I have a story to share and can empathise, while sharing the reality of God’s grace in providing for our very keenly felt needs.
Will you ask God to open your eyes to the plight of the world as he sees it?
Act, speak and work through me today, I ask. Give me grace to see people and problems with your loving eyes.