Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT

At a recent retreat I met a remarkable and sprightly 91-year-old lady. She was full of energy, good health and was incredibly mobile. She told me she needed to leave sharpish to drive home and check the computer for the church services the next day, as she was part-time receptionist for her church. Her eyes shone brightly with faith; she was a real tonic to us all.

Alongside health, the World Health Organization also recognise participation and security as essential to ageing well. We might explore a range of new hobbies when time becomes more readily available to us. Another guy on the retreat with us was learning Hebrew and enjoying discovering scripture through fresh eyes. The very word “retirement” is itself a misnomer. We don’t just pull out of life when we officially retire. All we do is change the rhythm of our day, and if fortunate, enjoy a pension from our years in paid employment.

Security speaks of our need for friendships that might accompany us through our later years. Without regular social interaction individuals begin to fade and lose their joie to vivre. On this same retreat I met two recently widowed ladies who had both experienced the grief of the death of their spouse, plus the awkward failure of their Christian families to accompany them well through this time. We need to lay plans well in advance to ensure our later years are not a time of lonely boredom. Ensure you keep a close friendship circle with people you can talk with, walk alongside and generally socialise together.


What plans do you have for maintaining interests in the future? Are there hobbies you currently pursue or things that you want to explore?


Help me to establish friendships and to be a good and loyal friend to others.

Photo – Ballintoy Parish Church on the Antrim coast
