When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never abandon them.
Isaiah 41:17 NLT

I’ve grown up with a fear of poverty. I’ve not experienced poverty, but I have never been especially successful in securing jobs, or holding those I’ve secured, and I am not particularly practical. So in time of adversity I’m not sure I’d be that good at taking care of myself or, more importantly, the ones I love. All such thoughts are vain imaginings since in reality I am wealthy in comparison with the rest of the world. The global average salary is £928 per month, or half the average salary across the UK. I exceed that, so in reality I am wealthy, so my fears are misplaced.

In light of this, how might I express God’s generous character and participate with God in responding to the needs of the global poor? Every Advent as we approach Christmas with its rich feast of food and drink and a generous present exchange, we take time to talk through how we might give to the needs of others as well as express our generosity of heart to our nearest and dearest. The purpose for talking this through is so we might keep the needs of our world before us, remind ourselves of God’s invitation to “freely give” (Matthew 10:8, NIV) as we are recipients of God’s mercy and grace, and to agree who to give to.

It is incredibly easy to grow detached from a world in need. TV access might remind us of famine, war and disease, and while we may experience a surge of compassion, this all too often leads to no practical response. God invites us to recognise every human is made in God’s image and enjoys the full expression of that love to the same extent as we do. There is a call to mutual respect and care implicit in God’s invitation to salvation.


Where could you invest some time, money or skill that will bring practical help to those who may feel they have little to celebrate this Christmas?


Make me a channel of your peace and blessing.
