Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18 NLT
Prayer offers a unique opportunity and insight into God’s world for the Christian disciple. Prayer presents an opportunity which, by definition, offers “a good chance for advancement or progress”. I aim to approach prayer with a positive attitude, for others as well as for myself.
Scientific studies reveal that optimism is good for our long-term health. It is also the soil within which the seeds of our intercessions are best planted. The key reason for optimism when we pray is that we know Jesus, through the cross and resurrection, made peace with God and humanity. Consequently, while the earth continues its battle with sin and its consequences, the ultimate result is, God wins. We have, through prayer, the opportunity to apprehend what God has already established, now! In other words, Jesus invites us to perceive, grasp and seize the reality of God’s kingdom now, even as we wrestle with life’s struggles on earth. God’s will can be done now and is facilitated through prayer.
I am no fool and acknowledge many prayers appear unanswered in the form I’ve asked them. Yet, I also know that I am often moved by my emotions first when I consult the Holy Spirit on how I am to pray. I also recognise that I cannot choose how I live my life and then expect that on those occasions I choose to turn to God, my prayers will be answered.
Our education starts in the school of prayer. Every disciple is invited to attend. Here I discover and learn the walk of discipleship and the ways God works throughout God’s creation. After all, having voluntarily surrendered my life to God, it is not unfair that God determines how I am to mature and through that maturing process access both a greater understanding of the walk of faith and ability to minister under the Holy Spirit’s direction.
How would you describe your prayer life?
Creator of the universe, thank you for inviting me to speak to you, to listen to you and to intercede for others. Thank you for the gift of prayer.