Speaking to the soul

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me”
Mark 1:16-17 NLT

Jesus kept doing surprising things! Here we find him at the beginning of his ministry as he is doing the crucial job of recruiting followers. If it had been me I would have waited for Simon and Andrew to have a lunch break, or get to the end of the day, and suggest they might like to follow me. Not Jesus. Jesus comes to them when they are right in the middle of their busy working day. They are doing the demanding job of throwing their net into the water. They are eagerly preparing for their next catch. Presumably the worst possible time to be interrupted?

But Jesus has more important work for them to do. “Come, follow me” he says, and that’s just what they did. Jesus comes to us right in the middle of our busy lives. Our immediate response might well be that it would be much better if he were to wait for the weekend or until we’ve got a week of holiday or until we’ve sorted out some of the problems we’ve got at the moment. But Jesus says to us, “No, now is the time to follow me.”

I wonder what’s happening for you today?. Let me tell you this. Nothing could possibly happen in this day that is more important than hearing the loving voice of Jesus as he invites you to follow him. Whether the day ahead looks really exciting or deeply boring, Jesus is calling you. Whether you are feeling fit and well, or tired and in pain, Jesus is calling you. Whether you’ve followed Jesus for years or you are hearing this for the first time, Jesus is calling you.


What are you going to say when Jesus calls you to follow him today?


Lord Jesus, thank you that you love us so much that you call us to follow you right in the middle of our busy lives. Help us today as we listen out for your voice and follow you, Amen.
