Judges 3:12 The Israelites again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord strengthened King Eglon of Moab against Israel, because they had done what was evil in the sight of the Lord.

Oops…they did it again. The Israelites, whom God has hand-selected, seem to excel at screwing up. They do it again and again. Sound like any folks you know?

This certainly sounds like me. I know I’ve disappointed my family on many occasions. I want to do what’s right and good, but when the time comes to act, I frequently do something selfish instead. 

Our friends and family members in Alcoholics Anonymous tell us that relapse is a part of recovery. How we deal with those relapses is what moves us to the ultimate goal of sobriety. When relapse occurs, we must engage our support systems and our Higher Power and commit to a new path from that moment forward. While we may relapse again (and again), we must never give up.

MOVING FORWARD: What would happen if we approached our sins as relapses and just kept on trying?
