“And a sword will pierce your very soul.”
Luke 2:35b NLT
One great challenge I hadn’t anticipated ahead of time is the pain of releasing a child into the world. It’s all wonderful offering support, love and protection through their early years. Then, as they grow into an independent, semi-responsible human being, they want to explore life for themselves, stepping ever further from your parental grasp.
Telephone calls from university to say my daughter had been taken to A&E due to an accident, and later because she’d been set upon by a group of men and beaten up as a young adult making her way in London, caused my blood to run cold. Yet, this is growing up and a clear reminder that life happens and no one is immune from difficulty. All my parental instincts flew in two directions: a sharp inner pain because of my inability to protect her and make it all better, and an ungodly anger that issues threats and promised violence to the perpetrators of such unkindness.
Following Jesus to his crucifixion is Mary, his mother. For years she has carried this prophetic word, recorded by Luke’s Gospel, in her heart. Now the reality strikes home with a level of pain that is unimaginable. What parent can bear to watch the agonies of their child dying? What mother anticipates burying their son? Faith in God is no panacea for such pain. An angelic vision is no preparation for the outworking of God’s promise. Standing on Golgotha offers only despair, for the empty tomb is unknown and is itself a mere promise from the lips of a tortured man.
The only way to live life is to hold firmly to the promise of the empty tomb while navigating the despair of apparent destruction. My daughter emerged wiser from her wounds. We were impressed at her resilience and the way she bounced back. Yet, these intrusions into our prayer and desire for a charmed life for our child had to be processed, for they might have proved disabling as we all returned to everyday living; disabling in that we might have become crippled by fear for her future.
How do you react to the pain and brokenness of the world?
Lord God, please give comfort and hope to all those parents who are watching their children suffer.