Washing our feet
“No,” Peter protested, “you will never ever wash my feet!” Jesus replied, “Unless I wash you, you won’t belong to me.” Simon Peter exclaimed, “Then wash my hands and head as well, Lord, not just my feet!” John 13:8-9
For Peter, everything seemed wrong about Jesus washing his feet. The task of foot washing was such a lowly role that a Jewish slave had the right to refuse to perform it! Peter’s refusal was as strong as he could make it, and totally understandable in the context. He would never let it happen!
But then Jesus explained how vitally important it was that Peter should allow him to do so. If Peter were to refuse, he could never be said to belong to Jesus. Peter’s complete devotion to Jesus was such that these words changed his mind instantly and, with predictable enthusiasm, he invited Jesus to not merely wash his feet but the rest of his body as well.
This beautiful story makes a very important point which we all need to understand. We can only serve the Lord effectively when we have, first of all, allowed him to serve us. We may be full of ability, energy and enthusiasm but, before we serve God, we need to allow him to first nourish and strengthen us.
It takes considerable humility to let the Lord serve us, because we need to be willing to recognise our own weaknesses. This can often become increasingly difficult the longer we are Christians. At first, it is obvious that we are totally dependent on the Lord but, after a while, we acquire qualifications, experience and a reputation. We can be lulled into thinking that we are perfectly capable of serving God in our own strength.
But, day by day, Jesus insists on washing our feet. He needs to forgive us, refresh us and renew us with his Spirit. And we need to receive his ministry.
In what way do you need the Lord to wash your feet today?
Loving God, thank you that you love me so much that you are willing to minister to me. Help me to be humble enough to receive your love and care. Amen