Speaking to the soul – January 3

Obedient to God’s will

Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and gave this prophecy: “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. He has sent us a mighty Saviour from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago.” Luke 1:67-70

The birth of John the Baptist was a momentous moment in many ways. John’s mother, Elizabeth, had been astonished to fall pregnant at her advanced age but also had to cope with the shock of a mute husband. When the baby arrived, neighbours and relatives came together to celebrate. The big question was how the child would be named. The crowd of well-wishers expected that he would be called Zechariah, after his father, but Elizabeth had become convinced that his name should be John. Still unable to speak, Zecharian wrote down (to everyone’s surprise): “His name is John.” The great joy for this godly couple was that, in their son John, God’s will would be fulfilled. The promise had been made long ago that a Saviour would be sent who came from the royal line of David. John was a crucial part of that long-established plan.

Our lives are very different from those of Zechariah and Elizabeth but the greatest joy of life for us – like them – is to know that we are being obedient to God’s will. Whether our role is high profile or hidden, nothing is greater than to know we are living our lives in line with God’s plan. In our family, employment, sport, hobbies and church life we have the privilege of serving God and seeing his blessing flow to other people. Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, the Lord will sometimes call us to do unexpected and surprising things for him, but we can do so in the knowledge that his will is always best.

What blessings have you received by being obedient to God’s will?
Loving Father, thank you for the privilege of serving you. Help me to be faithful today in doing your will. Amen