The peace that comes from Christ
Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14
The famous Victorian poet, Robert Browning, wrote: “Take away love and our earth is a tomb.” It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of love. It isn’t merely one more excellent virtue which we need to acquire. Love is essential. Without it, no family, organisation or church can thrive. So Paul encouraged his readers to put on the clothing of love; just like any other item of clothing, we need to head into each day ensuring it is in place.
The Greek word for love in this verse is agape, which is what I would call ‘tough love’. It’s the love which you have for people whether they love or hate you in return. It’s the kind of love which just can’t stop loving. It’s so committed that it doesn’t give up when the going gets tough and the opposition is fierce. It is, of course, the kind of love that God first showed us. When John wrote his first letter, he pointed to Jesus as being the supreme expression of this agape love.
Unfortunately, the word love easily gets confused with other words such as ‘like’. But we are called to love people whether we like them or not. To love is our God- given duty. The Bible makes it plain that the way of love is always God’s way, and always a path of incredible blessing. At times it will be agonisingly difficult to love but, as we do so, we are displaying the nature of God. The results will always be miraculous and amazing.
The only way truly to understand agape love is to look at the cross of Jesus. The only possible explanation of Jesus’ death on the cross is pure love. He didn’t have to die in that way, but he chose to do so. If love was that costly for him, we shouldn’t be surprised that we will often have to pay a price as well. Love isn’t ever an easy path, but it is always the right and best one. So let’s clothe ourselves in God’s love today.
What will it mean for you to show agape love today?
Lord God, thank you that you have shown me what love really means. Fill me with your Spirit so that I may share your love with others today. Amen