Speaking to the soul – July 18

Wholesome teaching

As for you, Titus, promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. Titus 2:1

Paul’s letters are incredibly down to earth. He was very concerned to ensure that everyone understood the basic elements of Christian doctrine. That is to say, they needed to know who God is and why he sent Jesus into the world to save us from our sins. But he also knew that Christian teaching needed to be turned into action. In this fascinating chapter, Paul guides his young friend Titus in the way in which he should teach and guide the church members. His guidance was coloured by gender and age in a very interesting way.

The older men needed to live wisely and carefully, to have sound faith and to be full of love and patience, said Paul. The older women were told not to slander other people or be heavy drinkers, and were encouraged to train the younger women to love their husbands and their children. Young men were also encouraged to live wisely. Alongside offering this instruction, Paul urged Titus to be a good example by doing good works of every kind. Titus had his work cut out!

Paul’s teaching challenges us to reflect on what it means to serve God whatever our circumstances. We are, of course, all called to be loving, wise, patient and faithful but that will demand different things of us at different times. Christian leaders need to reflect carefully on the teaching they give, working out its practical implications for different people at different life stages. Living for Christ will mean very different things for teenagers, parents, singles, married people, the sick, the employed, the unemployed and the retired.

Thoughtful, practical teaching will always need to sit alongside the personal example of the church leader. Paul described Titus as his true son – and we may presume that he was younger than many of the people in the Cretan churches. But everyone was looking to him, and he needed to ensure that he was walking closely with the Lord and setting a really good example.


What advice do you think needs to be given to people of your own age?


Lord God, help me to apply my Christian faith to the way in which I live for you today. Amen