As sweet as honey
The voice said to me, “Son of man, eat what I am giving you—eat this scroll! Then go and give its message to the people of Israel.” So I opened my mouth, and he fed me the scroll. “Fill your stomach with this,” he said. And when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.” Ezekiel 3:1-3
This is all rather weird isn’t it? I’m certainly not going to suggest that you start eating your Bible in order to get closer to the Lord! I think it might have the opposite effect! However, I believe that Ezekiel was commanded to take this rather strange action to show that the word of God on the scroll was absolutely a part of him. He needed to learn that he had to be completely obedient to God’s commands even when they seemed rather strange. The result was wonderful. The scroll tasted great!
There’s something really important for us to take from this. If we are to serve God effectively, we need to let his word become a part of us. We need to learn it, memorise it and meditate on it. Memorising the Bible is an excellent thing to do, but it is perhaps not widely done these days. When I was young, there was far more attention given to memorising scripture. I can still remember great chunks of the Bible that I learnt as a boy.
It is also good for us to give time to meditating on the Bible. Why not take one or two verses, and give yourself an hour or so to reflect on what God is saying to you from them.
“The word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two- edged sword” (Hebrews 4:12). We can meditate on verses that are very familiar to us and hear God say things that we have never heard before.
Take some time to meditate in this way and I am quite sure that you will come away with your stomach filled, having had the sensation of eating the sweetest honey.
In what way could you make the Bible more fully a part of you?
Lord God, I thank you for the way in which you speak to me from your word. Help me to get to know it much better. Amen