“Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again! I will put flesh and muscles on you and cover you with skin. I will put breath into you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Ezekiel 37:4-6
The prophecy of Ezekiel isn’t an easy read. It records the complete failure of God’s people, and the details of God’s judgment are spelt out in vivid and terrifying detail. When Ezekiel was given a vision of a valley filled with dry, dead bones he must have felt that is was a very apt summary of all that God had said to him. It was a scene of total lifelessness. But God hadn’t given up on his people. He was still longing to breathe on them and bring them back to life.
Imagine the scene. The whole valley was full of bones. Nothing else. And then, suddenly, there was a rattling noise. It echoed across the valley as the bones started to come together and form complete skeletons. And then, as he watched, he saw muscles and flesh form over the bones. Finally, skin was stretched in place. This was all very encouraging, but the newly constructed bodies still couldn’t live. They needed
breath. And so the Lord breathed on the bodies and they came to life, standing up on their feet like a great army. Wow!
The message was plain. God could bring new life to the people of Israel so long as they allowed him to breathe his life-giving Spirit into them. The same is true today. The Church has no life without the breath of the Holy Spirit. However wonderful our buildings and efficient our organisation, without the Spirit of God we are just a collection of dry bones. Nothing more.
It is also a deeply personal word to us. We may have health, a wonderful family and every material blessing, but without the Spirit filling our spiritual lungs we are as good as dead.
In what situations are you seeking the breath of the Spirit today?
Lord God, thank you that you are able to breathe new life into me this day. Help me to open every part of my life to your Spirit. Amen