Special Services and Events in the C of I this week

A look ahead

Sat 28 Service marking Bicentenary of C of I College of Education, Christ Church, Dublin, 1.30pm

Sun 29      The Sixth Sunday of Easter – Rogation Sunday
The choir of All Saints’ church, Grangegorman, will lead the worship at the Eucharist in St Lasarian’s Cathedral, Leighlin, where the Dean is the Very Revd Tom Gordon, and later will sing Evensong in the chapel of Borris House.

St George’s church, Balbriggan, 11am, Outdoor Songs of Praise with the St George’s Brass Band

Clogher – Service to mark the 180th anniversary of Inishmacsaint parish church on Inishmacsaint Island in Lough Erne. Preacher Canon Brian Courtney.

St Doulagh’s church, Balgriffin. 3.30pm, the Annual Open Air Service of Praise and Thanksgiving. Music will be provided by the 1st Coy Boys’ Brigade Band and the Dublin Conservative Club Male Voice Choir . Speaker: David Turner of ‘Church in Chains’ who will speak about Christians who face torture, imprisonment and death.

Mon 30   Rogation Day

House of Bishops meets to appoint Bishop of Clogher.

St Patrick’s, Dublin 13:15 Lunchtime recital by Gordon High School, USA. Normal visitor rates apply.

Tues 31      Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cork – the first of the summer ordinations.The Bishop of Cork will ordain Tony Murphy to serve as a deacon in St Fin Barre’s cathedral.

The New York Staff Band, Salvation Army, Dublin Concert at 8.00 pm.


Wed 1
    Rogation Day
Limerick – St Mary’s cathedral. Lunchtime organ recital will be given by Peter Barley who will play works by Eric Sweeney, Buxtehude and Whitlock.

Thurs 2
      The Ascension Day

Sat 4
St John’s Parish Centre, Moira – BBQ and Fun Night from 6pm. All donations will go towards overseas mission trips in 2011.

Notice of services and events welcomechurchnewsireland@gmail.com