Standing committee changes and appointments

New Clerical Hon Secretary and appointments to various bodies and boards were made at last week’s meeting  

The Rev. George Davidson Rector of Carrickfergus, Diocese of Connor, was elected as Clerical Honorary Secretary of General Synod to the vacancy created by the election of the Bishop of Clogher.

The Rev. Brian Harper has been elected as clerical representative to Standing Committee from Armagh diocese, the vacancy having arisen when the Rt Rev. Patrick Rooke became Bishop of Tuam.

Sandra Dukelow, a reader from Cork diocese, is to represent the Church of Ireland on the board of Christian Aid.

The Rev. Gillian Wharton was approved as a member of the Association of Church of Ireland Press Ltd.

Standing Committee nominated Rev. Adrienne Wilkinson and  Mr Roy Totten for appointment by the archbishops and bishops to serve on the Governing Council of the Church of Ireland Theological Institute from 1st January 2012.

The following were appointed members of the Central Communications Board – the Right Rev. Trevor Williams, the Rev. Eileen Cremin, Ruth Buchanan, Dr. Valerie Jones,Jane Leighton, Dr. Kenneth Milne, Dr.Raymond Refausse, Ven Robin Bantry White, Dennis Riordan and Janet Maxwell.

Peter Hamilton was appointed to the Commission on Ministry.