Two Belfast lecture series to commence

Like the city’s buses lecture series tend to come in twos. Details follow of the first lectures in St Bartholomew’s Parish Church and the Inter-Faith forum at Edgehill College.

St Bart’s   – Does creation have a future?

This is the title of the next lunchtime lecture to be given at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Stranmillis Road, Belfast. The lecture is given by the rector, Revd. Dr. Ron Elsdon.

Subtitled ‘Big Crunch, big freeze – or something else?, the lecture will challenge the popular understanding of ‘heaven’ as where we are destined to live a purely spiritual existence.

The lecture is given by the rector, Revd. Dr. Ron Elsdon, who states, “The New Testament builds on the Old Testament theme of the goodness of creation, and envisages ‘new heavens and new earth’ in which the physical universe we currently inhabit will be transformed in a redemptive act that flows from the cross of Christ. The lecture will also explore how this vision intersects with cosmological forecasts of the ultimate ‘death’ of the universe in a ‘big crunch’ where gravity ultimately overcomes the expansion of the universe, or extreme cold, where it loses the battle.”

The lecture takes place at 1.10 p.m. on Tuesday September 6.

Everyone is welcome at this lecture, which will include a time for questions. Light refreshments will also be available.

For further information please contact the Revd Ron Elsdon, Tel: 028 9066 9995

Faith in Human Rights

The NI Inter-Faith Forum and the NI Dialogue Society have announced the commencement of a new Lunchtime Lecture Series featuring distinguished local thinkers and innovators from a range of disciplines.  The aim of the series is to encourage debate and inter-faith dialogue, as well as fostering better relations and understanding between the diverse faith traditions present in Belfast and beyond.  

The inaugural lecture on ‘Faith in Human Rights’ will be given by Prof. Colin Harvey (Professor of Human Rights Law, Head of the Law School and a member of Senate at Queen’s University Belfast) on Monday 10th October 2011 at Edgehill Theological College, 9 Lennoxvale, Belfast, BT9 5BY.  Attendees should arrive at 12.45pm for a complimentary buffet lunch, the lecture will commence at 1.10pm, last for 30 min, and will be followed by a 20 min discussion period.

As there are limited places available for this event, it would very much appreciated if you could RSVP at your earliest convenience to Edwin Graham, NI Inter-Faith Forum Secretary at Tel: 0777 9600 254 or e-mail: edwin.graham21@gmail.com.