Weekend of activity in CITI

This weekend in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute the part–time M.The.,  students will begin their second module for this year.

Professor Maureen Junker Kenny, Dr Cathriona Russell and Dr Katie Heffelfinger will be facilitating them in a consideration of ‘Modern and Post Modern Biblical Hermeneutic’. Other aspects of the study programme will include a practical session on voice production, further study in practical work in the areas of exegesis and homiletics, theological reflection’ and the ‘Spirituality of Advent’.

This morning those who have enrolled for the Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Certificate will continue with their third session. In CITI, Ms Lynne Storey will be teaching in the area of ‘ Child Development’ whilst in Lisburn, Co. Antrim,  Ms Julie Currie will address the theme of ‘Children and Community’.

On Sunday evening the seventeen Deacon Interns will return to the Institute for their final residential week of this calendar year. In addition to participating in community worship and continuing with research towards their final year dissertations, the Interns will receive two days of teaching and training in youth ministry facilitated by the Church of Ireland Youth Department.

_ C of I corrrespondent, The Irish Times