
Advent in 2 Minutes – and superbly online as never before!

Please do have a look at these superb online Advent calendars and a U-tube presentation which is mind-blowing on the relationship between Advent and Christmas. Check out Busted Halo’s two-minute video that describes why we celebrate Advent and wait to celebrate Christmas. It will be useful at home, at school, with teens and many others in getting “The Message” across. Pass the word…

Advent calendars :
Trinity Wall Street in New York’s annual Advent online calendar never fails to impress. See:

Another worthy of visiting during the season is that provided by the Episcopal Church’s Relief and Development which takes the narrative approach. See:

The Episcopal Presiding Bishop’s message for Advent 2011
“Advent Reflection” is available at:

…Finally, Busted Halo’s two-minute video reminding us of what Advent is and is not. Advice for older readers – turn down the volume! But be prepared to be amazed…

Houston McKelvey