
BBC3 Choral Evensong May and June

Choral Evensong is aired twice weekly – live at 4pm on Wednesday and repeated at 4pm Sunday. Choral Evensong was first broadcast on Thursday 7 October 1926 live from Westminster Abbey and has been broadcast weekly on BBC Radio ever since.

Choral Evensong Advance Schedule
Here are the services coming up in the next few months on Choral Evensong.

Weds 25th May (rpt Sun 29th May)
  Salisbury Cathedral Introit: Holy is the true light (David Halls) 
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalms: 15, 16, 96 (Elgar, Musgrove, Harris) 
First Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 2 vv 1-23
 Office Hymn: Sing Alleluya forth ye saints on high (Martins)
Canticles: Jesus College Service (Mathias)
Second Lesson: 1 Timothy 6 vv 11-19
Anthem: Give us the wings of faith (Bullock)
Hymn: With the saints whose stories stir us (Regent Square)
Te Deum in C (Stanford)
Organ Voluntary: Fantasy on ‘Babylon’s Streams’ (Harris)

Weds 1st June (rpt Sun 5th June) St Davids Cathedral Introit: Jubilate Deo (David Briggs) 
Responses: Clucas 
Psalms: 15, 24 (Hurford, Barnby) 
First Lesson: 2 Samuel 23 vv1-5 
Office Hymn: The head that once was crowned with thorns (St Magnus) 
Canticles: Noble in B minor 
Second Lesson: Colossians 2 v20 – 3 v4 
Anthem: God is gone up (Finzi) 
Hymn: Eternal Monarch, King most high (Gonfalon Royal) 
Organ Voluntary: Chorale-Improvisation on ‘Der Hölle Pforten sind zerstört’ (Karg-Elert)

Weds 8th June (rpt Sun 12th June)
 Wells Cathedral Introit: Glory to thee, my God, this night (Gary Davison) (first broadcast)
 Responses: Shephard
Psalms: 41, 42, 43 (Bairstow, Crotch, Robinson) 
First Lesson: 1 Kings 19 vv1-18 
Office Hymn: Eternal Monarch, King most high (Gonfalon Royal) 
Canticles: Cantate Domino and Deus misereatur (The Wells Service – Judith Bingham) (first broadcast) 
Second Lesson: Luke 8 vv16-25 
Anthem: Ascension (Philip Wilby) (first performance)
 Hymn: Glory to thee, my God, this night (Tallis’s Canon) 
Organ Voluntary: Offrande et Alleluia Final from Livre du Saint-Sacrement (Messiaen)

Weds 15th June (rpt Sun 19th June) Chichester Cathedral
Weds 22nd June (no repeat) 
Guildford Cathedral (Archive)
Sun 26th June (no repeat)
 The Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy (Light Music Festival)
Weds 29th June (rpt Sun 3rd July) York Minster