
Calling young organists

RSCM offers summer scholarship opportunity
The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) is offering organ scholarships to two young organists at the 2011 Summer Course for Young People at Bath. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to play the four-manual Klais organ in the city’s splendid Abbey church; the setting for some of the choral services.  They will assist the Course Organist in playing for rehearsals and services during the popular week-long event at Kingswood School; this year’s course runs from 15th – 21st August.

The Bath Summer Course for Young People, directed by international church musician Geoff Weaver, draws over one hundred young singers from RSCM-affiliated choirs around the UK who return each year for its mix of specialist teaching, the chance to sing services and concerts in some lovely venues, and plenty of fun and friendship.  The music-making reaches a high standard accompanied by experienced tutor and Course Organist Steven Grahl.  Steven is Director of Music at St Marylebone Parish Church in London, and also a member of the Oxford University Faculty of Music, and Assistant Organist at New College, Oxford.

The two scholarships will be awarded to young organists aged between 16 and 21.  “Applicants should be Grade 8 standard or thereabouts,” says Sue Snell, the RSCM’s Head of Education.  “This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable experience in accompanying large groups of singers, and there’s the added attraction of playing the four-manual Klais organ in Bath Abbey.”

Previous organ scholars have gone on to take up organ awards at Oxford and Cambridge college chapels. One of last year’s scholars is enthusiastic about the experience.  Owain Park (17), now the Junior Organ Scholar at Wells Cathedral, said: “I thoroughly enjoyed playing on the course; there were many opportunities to accompany the various age groups. Playing the organ in the abbey was also a big highlight.”

Full details of the course and scholarships can found on the RSCM website www.rscm.com/courses or by calling 01722 424843.  The course runs at Kingswood School, Bath, from 15th to 21st August 2011 and the closing date for scholarship applications is Friday 15th April 2011.