
Canterbury – International Anglican Liturgical Consultation

The following communique was issued on the 10th IALC which was held August 1 – 6. 56 Anglicans from six continents and from 19 provinces of the Anglican Communion assembled within the Cathedral Precincts for the biennial meeting of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, 1 – 6 August 2011.

The Consultation gathers liturgists and liturgical theologians as well as persons sent by and working on behalf of their churches in the area of liturgy. All Provinces of the Communion are invited to send representatives.

Participants were treated to the very warm hospitality provided by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral, and enjoyed the splendid accommodation, conference space, and excellent cuisine provided by the modern Cathedral Lodge International Study Centre. They were also welcomed by the Dean at a dinner in the deanery garden – at which the gift of a collection of Prayer and Hymn Books from around the Communion was presented to the Dean and Chapter — and enjoyed a candlelight pilgrimage through Canterbury Cathedral. The week was grounded by Morning Prayer and Evensong in the Cathedral and a daily celebration of the Holy Eucharist led in rotation by representatives of various global regions, in rites drawn from the several provinces and in several languages – treasures both old and new.

The IALC focused on completing their work begun two years ago in Auckland and set forth in Rites Relating to Marriage: A Working Interim Document. This task was carried forward in this year’s session by three groups examining (1) the theology of marriage, (2) cultural contexts of marriage, and (3) the shape and elements of the ritual. The Report of this work will be circulated to the Provinces of the Anglican Communion, and to the Standing Committee of the Communion. It will also be published through the website of the Anglican Communion. Participants in this meeting had studied and prepared further work based on the Auckland report and several papers were circulated in advance. To start off their work in this week, members heard and reflected upon presentations made by the Right Reverend Mdimi Mhogolo (Central Tanganyka, Tanzania) and the Reverend Dr. Simon Jones (Church of England). These papers will be published in forthcoming proceedings. The IALC then spent the subsequent days in discussion and drafting groups. The IALC membership honoured the memory of the Right Reverend Dr. Kenneth Stevenson – who had been scheduled initially as one of the plenary speakers, and whose recent death all mourned.

The IALC’s topics for study are determined through processes of canvassing members from one meeting to another. From time to time, Provinces, the Anglican Consultative Council, the Meeting of Primates, or Commissions of the Communion have requested that IALC provide counsel on a particular topic. The topic of ‘rites relating to marriage’ follows upon previous work in the area of pastoral liturgy, as begun at Palermo in 2007 on rites relating to death (Report forthcoming).

At this meeting, one session was set aside from the regular work of the IALC in response to a formal request from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of The Episcopal Church (USA) – TEC – so that representatives from that Standing Commission could hear from IALC members in response to that Province’s exploratory theological rationale and liturgical principles for the development of rites for the blessing of committed same gender relationships. This time was set up as a ‘consultation within the Consultation.’ The afternoon of that day was given to visiting local and nearby sites of historical interest or served as a welcome break after several long working days.

Elected to the Steering Committee were the Rev’d Dr. Eileen Scully (Canada); the Rev’d Nak-Hyon Joseph Joo (Korea), to serve two terms, and the Rev’d Alan Rufli (Ireland). Bishop Kito Pikaahu (Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia) is the continuing member, elected at Auckland to serve two terms. The Most Rev’d Alan Harper, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, was appointed by the Standing Committee of the Anglican Communion as the representative of the Meeting of Primates. The Rev’d Canon Cynthia Botha (Southern Africa) serves the IALC as Liaison Officer with the Anglican Communion Office and as Secretary to IALC. Eileen Scully was subsequently elected by the Steering Committee to serve as Chair for one term. These persons will be responsible for planning and coordination of the next meeting of IALC in two years’ time.