
Director of Music interviewed

Carl McCambley, Musical Director in Shankill Parish had oversight of the music at this year’s Bible Week organised by the Bishop of Down and Dromore .

Are you a County Armagh man Carl?
No, I was born in Bangor, Co Down but was brought up on the Isle of Man before coming to live in Lurgan.

How long have you been the Musical Director at Shankill?
I’ve had that responsibility for 8 years but before that I was organist in Magheralin Parish where I served for 17 years. I started very young!

Tell us about that!
I started playing the organ whilst at Shankill under the tutelage of Mr Duncan Peel, who was the much loved and highly respected organist in Shankill for over 50 years. It was around this time that I became a Christian and knew that I wanted to use my gifts to serve the Lord in Music Ministry. I was appointed organist in Magheralin, where Dean Roland Hutchinson (Rector) gave me every encouragement in building up the choir. The Dean encouraged me to continue on with my education by studying Music and English at Queen’s. I also sing, having studied under James Shaw in Belfast.

We know your music ministry is a big part of your life, but what’s your day job?
By day I’m the Vice–Principal in Waringstown Primary School. The school has almost 400 children on roll so that keeps me busy. My school choir have had great success in the BBC Songs of Praise ‘Celebrate’ school choir competition having won in 2004 in Birmingham and 2009 in Manchester.

Finally, what’s your favourite piece of church music?
Zadok the Priest by Handel. I also love Ennio Morricone’s ‘Gabriel’s Oboe’.

This short interview with Carl was first posted on the diocesan web site.